Current Police Facility Building Issues

The Odessa Police Department has outgrown the space of its current building, and it limits the department's ability to effectively and efficiently serve the community. The current police building is 1,850 square feet with only 900 square feet of usable work space. This size cannot provide appropriate police facilities for the current staff as well as meet the 20-year growth projections. There is no more appropriate space available at the current location to meet current or future needs.
- The conference room must be used for multiple purposes including interviews, training, evidence preparation, meetings, and meals.
- The workflow of various tasks, like evidence processing, is hindered by the building layout and lack of proper available space.
- All staff, including command staff, work in an open area - there are no offices.
- Work stations/desks and phones are shared between officers.
- The kitchen area and furnace room are both exposed inside the office space.
- The evidence room needs to be larger (currently 112 square feet) with proper ventilation to protect staff from noxious odors from seized drugs.
- Building is not ADA compliant.
- Foundation issues creating cracked and uneven floors.
- No insulation in the attic.
- Landscaping hazards.
- Exterior stucco is eroding.
- Windows are broken, not airtight, and "insulated" with foam board and sheet metal tin.
- No public restroom - arrestees and public must use the one restroom for staff.
- Building is not easily accessible or visible to the public.
- No secure area to privately interview witnesses and suspects - occasionally have had to use facilities of neighboring agencies.
- No secure area to properly process prisoners. LiveScan fingerprinting is directly next to the lobby.
- No secure area to process alcohol-related investigations (DWI). IntoxDMT is located next to the conference table.
- No secure computer server space. The server is located in the storage closet (112 square feet space) with an exterior window and no room for expanding equipment for cybersecurity threats.
- No secure parking for the police vehicle fleet.
- Building parking lot is shared with a park. Children play near police vehicles which is a safety concern as officers may leave quickly for emergency calls.
- Several exterior windows are broken, with some panes replaced with plexiglass. Sheet metal is covering the windows with wire mesh to help keep birds out of the building.